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Pet Bowls and Feeding

7 Results
Your pet’s feeding routine can be pretty mundane — fill with food, eat, drink, repeat. Why not spice it up with fun elevated dog bowls or a pet water fountain? After all, your current cat food dispenser and ceramic dog bowls probably stick out like a sore thumb in your beautiful home. Lucky for you, there are plenty of well-designed pet bowls feeders and waterers to choose from that both you and your companion will love. As you search for the right dog food dispenser or cat bowl, you might ask yourself these common questions:

What types of dog dishes or cat bowls are available?

Think outside of the usual pet bowl. There are many alternatives, such as personalized dog bowls, that are functional and stylish. Options that keep your pet’s food off the floor, like elevated dog bowls, can save both your pet’s neck and your hardwood or carpet. If you are lucky enough to have a self-sufficient animal, a cat food dispenser is an excellent choice, since it also doubles as storage. Make sure to place a pet food mat underneath all types of feeders — you’ll thank yourself for getting one when it’s cleanup time.

Should I use a pet water fountain?

Keeping your pals thirst quenched is essential to their health and overall happiness. If you don’t have the time to ensure they constantly have fresh, clean water, a cat fountain or a dog water dispenser can be life savers. An automatic dog waterer will not only encourage your buddy to drink more, but the constantly moving water will keep it from becoming stale and contaminated — an all-to-common issue with a regular water bowl. Clean water equals a healthy companion and more years you can enjoy together!

What are my pet food storage options?

Buying in bulk can save you tons, but storage can be tricky. Fido appreciates when his food tastes fresh, so make sure you find dog food storage containers that seal to keep out dirt and unwanted critters. You don’t need to store all of their edibles in one spot — look for a fun dog treat jar that will complement your room's current decor and keep their treats organized. Smaller animals don’t require that you have as much supply on-hand, so often a simple pet feeder will keep things fresh and available at the same time. Don’t be afraid to try out different options to find a system that works best for you and your loved one!