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Is the couch too big? Rug too small? What do I need to "finish" this?

10 years ago
I'm wondering if the couch in this living room is too big and if my rug is too small. The room looks ok right now in my opinion but it needs something to really look good. I will be painting the fireplace cover black from that brass color it currently has to update it a little. What else does the room need? All opinions are appreciated.

Comments (31)

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 10 years ago
    Guys, note that I have the furniture and rug in this post that I can switch to this room instead of it would look better.
  • 10 years ago
    Two things that seem "off" to me are that the lamp looks small and one of the pillows shows as a bright apple green and the other as a more grey green on my monitor. I would suggest a bigger lamp with more character. Also think that the more grey green pillow is best if they are in fact different. If you are using a brighter green, maybe balance it by having other touches of that color (with a vase or other item) in the room. I like your art with the horses.
  • 10 years ago
    Would the picture of the horses fit on top of the mantle with the picture just leaning against the brick? I feel the room has two focal points right now, the fireplace and the couch-horses. I really like the picture.
  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 10 years ago
    The rug is too small and everything is brown / beige. I would add much fuller fluffier patterned accent pillows and more colour.Bigger and more interesting lamps.
    Aspen Creek Residence · More Info

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    sockaplayr thanked sondramartina
  • 10 years ago
    I agree 100% with sondramartina and nice inspiration pics. I think you definitely need to lighten things up and add a little color. I think the geometric print pillows will help maybe add a colorful tray and books to your table.
    sockaplayr thanked intown123
  • 10 years ago
    Yes, the rug is too small and also to Insail's comment, the lamps are also too small. I like Sondra's inspiration pics. I like the red rug in the Aspen Creek residence.
    sockaplayr thanked User
  • 10 years ago
    I would also suggest adding some vertical artwork above your mantle that incorporates some light colors. The brass piece is getting lost and isn't helping the darkness in the room.
    sockaplayr thanked intown123
  • 10 years ago
    I thought of switching the rug, sofa and loveseat in my other living room and moving them to this room. Here's a mockup of what that would look like. What do you guys think?
  • 10 years ago
    Yes, that's more to scale.
  • 10 years ago
    The color of the rug should be changed, it does not pull out the brown of the picture nor the fireplace.
  • 10 years ago
    Your second sofa is so far away! Whether you use the furniture from the living room or the family room doesn't make a bunch of difference as it is all large and dark. The large rug is better in both rooms. The coffee tables are small in both rooms. In either case I would cozy the second sofa or loveseat in closer.
    sockaplayr thanked barrowp
  • 10 years ago
    barrowp I'm going to be moving the rug from this room to here. Do you think that will fit better?
  • 10 years ago
    The horses and colors of wall and leather couches make me want to see a southwestern style rug and maybe pillows too. Big geometric and could bring in some color. Pottery barn catalog just had some pillow covers, and/or look for someone selling Navajo crafts maybe on etsy?
    sockaplayr thanked kcmnc
  • 10 years ago
    The reason I'm moving the furniture from the other living room is because the sofa is much smaller. The one in this picture is 95"x42" while the one in the other living room is 87"x37" I got the comment that this sofa is too big for the space. I will be pulling up the loveseat that I move from the other room to be like it is on the rendering I posted above.
  • 10 years ago
    I love the look that sondramartina showed in the Aspen Creek residence picture above, that's what I want to go for with this room (obviously I am far from it at the moment)
  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 10 years ago
    To me, everything just looks too evenly, or purposely placed. Every wall has a big, heavy object set right up against it, then the rug in center & table in center of rug.

    Toss this room in a blender & let things go a little haphazard!

    Also...all the brown is dragging this room down. It's dying for some real color. Pull that artwork from behind the sofa & the drapes as well. Find another room for them. OR, put some of that brown furniture in another room & keep the drapes & art.
    sockaplayr thanked bungalowmo
  • PRO
    10 years ago
    rug is too small
    sockaplayr thanked Lori Dennis, ASID, LEED AP
  • PRO
    10 years ago
    last modified: 10 years ago
    Lovely little space! First of all I would ask you to please NOT paint the brass metal of your fireplace. Instead, paint the BRICK of the fireplace. Metals are wonderful materials and, believe it or not, brass is back!!! :) I would suggest painting your fireplace brick the same color as your light trim that you have along the bottom of your walls. You are definitely spot on when you said that your rug might be too small. A larger rug will help connect all of the pieces in your room and pull it together as a cohesive space. Since your sofas are both brown, try bringing in some color in your rug! For a full effect, try deepening your beige walls just a few shades darker. This will make the fireplace and trim pop while creating a warmer (even more cozy) space! Enjoy! I hope all goes well! :)
    sockaplayr thanked The Heartland Interior Design
  • 10 years ago
    Guys, I made some changes to the furniture as I'd mentioned. what do you all think of this set up? I know the green pillows don't fit and I will change those up but to what color? What else do you guys think I should do to add to the room?
  • 10 years ago
    Maybe remove the lamps and go with no lamps? I'm wondering whether that would look better.
  • 10 years ago
    Coffee table should be close to 18 inches from the couch. You have it centered with the fireplace and it should be closer so people can really use it.
    sockaplayr thanked abbyjean
  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 10 years ago
    I wonder if the lamps are tall enough. I like at least one lamp by seating, so it would be nice to keep one lamp at the end of the couch. If you choose to move a lamp, can the table go by the love seat for that seating to have a place for drinks? What about putting a few books under one lamp for height just to see? Maybe a larger lamp shade? Do you have one to try?
    sockaplayr thanked abbyjean
  • 10 years ago
    Thank you for the advice. Is the distance from the couch a sort of standard rule? I see great looking places on houzz and it's like two polar opposites exist, one where the coffee table is close and easily accessible and one where it's floating in the middle of nowhere but still looks good.
  • 10 years ago
    This rug looks MUCH better! Have you considered painting the brick on fireplace?
    sockaplayr thanked cammygr
  • 10 years ago
    No rules for the coffee table really. Guess I am one that likes to think furniture in a room has a function and the smaller pieces/decor are for looks.
  • 10 years ago
    My rule for the coffee table is that when I'm lounging on the sofa I must be able to easily reach it with a glass of wine!

    Rug is better! Now just tighten up the furniture grouping. Love seat and end table (sans lamp) can both be moved forward and coffee table moved in so it all relates to each other and follows the wine (or beverage of your choice) rule!
  • PRO
    10 years ago
    paint the room a different color. paint the brass FP insert black. I hate to say this but the sail boat painting doesnt fit in this room. and is attracting way to much attention. i think you need a better looking ceiling fan. i think the coffee table is much too small. pull the rug so it is close to the fire place and not so off center to the furniture. wall mount the tv and have a longer console under it. the lamps you have are fine, the they are way too small for the lamps....not sure what happened there lol. get new shades try a nice throw blanket instead of too many pillows, your sofa isnt that deep.
  • PRO
    10 years ago
    or this could be cute
  • 10 years ago
    cammygr I have thought of painting the brick but really like the natural brick look and would prefer to keep it that way. I've seen it done well in other spaces. flair, I've actually considered painting the brass fireplace insert black, that's on my to do list. As for the sail painting, it wasn't in the room originally I brought it in because I had an interior designer come in and she liked it a lot from another room I had it in and she suggested moving it here instead and using it to draw colors for accents (like throws or pillows on the sofa).

    You guys suggest moving the furniture(loveseat) even closer? The reason it's not that way at the moment is so I have ample walking room on the right side of the loveseat but I could try it if you guys think it will look better. I'll also move up the side table a bit so it's not touching the wall, the reason I can't move those up too much though is because if you notice my surround speakers are sitting on top of them.

    Love all the ideas though, thank you all for your help.

    And yes I do need a new ceiling fan, that one popped out of the 80's or 90's I think, it's just a matter of being able to find one at a price I can afford.
  • 10 years ago
    I think moving the loveseat in will make for better conversation, tv viewing, and appearance of the room. Walking room would not be a priority for me in that spot. Give it a try and see how it feels.

    Accent colors can come from the rug and art. It is hard to tell on the monitor what those colors should be. The sails are fun but a bit much for the room.

    As for painting the brass on the fireplace, go for it. I did mine a couple of months ago and love it.