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Where to buy smartstrand

14 years ago


I want to purchase sorona smartstrand carpeting. Home Depot has many types and colors but I'd rather not deal with them having had a problem with another home service. The carpet dealers listed on the Mohawk website only have a couple of types. Can someone recommend a reliable carpet dealer in central/northern new jersey that has Mohawk Horizon?


Comments (9)

  • 14 years ago

    Golfcat -

    Did you call the stores or just go by the options on the website? I know that all the styels are not loaded. Also - Floorscapes and ColorCenter dealers will likely have all the styles as well as Horizon dealers - actually FS and CC are even more likely to carry everything since they get styles don't leave them out of your search.

    I would go back to and try your zip code again...then give the store a ring to confirm that they do indeed have the entire lineup.


  • 14 years ago

    HD and Lowes both have a small section for SmartStrand, so is a local retailer that is listed on

    We went to the retail store the other day and it happened that a lovely girl rep from Stainmaster was helping out in that store. She said that the Triexta PTT is not as strong as nilon and it has lesser wear even tho it is more stain resistent.

    She said in fact that's why SmartStrand has very few loop pile choice as it is prone to have the a few loop broken after a while.

    We love the loop pile style but was concerned about this. I also checked ad it seems there is only one SS loop listed using the search function on the web site (Constant Charm?)

    So carpetgirl, is the claim true?

    Also, what's a reasonable price for SS? $5 per s.q.? $7? Is SmartStrand ever on sale?

  • 14 years ago

    I just had Smartstrand installed this weekend. I pd $2 a sf and there was a lot around $2-3. Stainmaster nylon doesn't have the stain resistance of Smartstrand and can fade. No one fiber is absolutely the best, but the testing I've seen on Smartstrand make it a very high choice for my needs. My friend bought it 4 yrs ago cause they have skylights and cats that throw up constantly. It still looks great, no fading, no stains and its still very soft to walk on. I think its a good choice.

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks boxers.

    I think I saw some SmartStrand at HD/Lowes that are $2~$3 range that has wierd label like "Port Lacroix", which confuses me as who makes it.

    The SmartSrand I saw at the retailer has a price tag for something like $5+. The thing with retail store is they always have something for sale but always not the one you want. With $5 I might opt to put the hardwood floor. I have seen some nice BR-111 engineered wood floor goes between $4~$5.

    Anyway, do you mind to share where you got your SmartStrand for $2 a s.f.? Not that I can take advantage since I probably are from a different region but still a good reference point to take into consideration. Thanks.

  • 14 years ago

    Smart strand is sold by Mohawk period. We sell smartstrand. Karastan also has smartstrand however they are Mohawk also.We sell the lighter weight of smartstrand on the color wall for about 2.60 per sq ft.. The lighter weight which is still extremely nice plus a 50 cent cushion plus 99 bucks for install. You should be able to duplicate that in your area somehow. We are nothing special other than an honest flooring retailer. Boxers works for Mohawk so he should be able to get it done much cheaper...The middle weight and the heavy weight off the color wall will add about 50 cents a foot to each one....

  • 14 years ago

    I worked for Mohawk 10 yrs ago, but have a dealer that stocks it heavily. I went to HD to compare and there are lighter wts of Smartstrand that should be $2.69 or less.

  • 14 years ago

    Two Smartstrand carpets I liked in HD are: Lifeline 4701 - 38 Oz face weight Twist 2.75x2.75 (forgot the price) and Port LaCroix 0076D - 36 Oz Twist 5.5x5.5 @$2.95 s.f.. Are those lighter weight or middle weight?

  • 14 years ago

    A lighter wait for smartstrand plush.. There 3 weighted products run approx 38 48 58 ounce from their light weight to heavyweight...

  • 14 years ago

    Carydan -

    No - the Stainmaster lady's claims are totally invalid. Anyone making nylon is feeling a little threatened by the SmartStrand fiber and they're getting a little desperate. The notion that loops break is crazy....the only issue anyone ever has with loops is zippering...which means one end gets pulled and it keeps coming out. Happened on my Stainmaster carpet actually - which is ratyher ironic! That can happen with any loop of any fiber type. Typically it is a backing issue - never a fiber issue.

    As for sales - there are typically sales in the spring and the fall.
