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Saloom Dining Room Table vs. Ethan Allen Dining Room Table

18 years ago

My wife and I need to get a dining room table for our first home. We are looking for something that is nice, but not too fancy as we will be using it daily. We have narrowed down our choices to two.

Choice # 1 Saloom Crescent Dining Room Table (42" Diameter / 60" Oval with Leaf)

Choice # 2 Ethan Allen Country Collection Round Pedastal Table. (48" Diameter / 66" Oval with Leaf)

Does anybody have any opinions on these two manufacturers? Is one generally considered better, more durable, last longer ect....? Any input woudl be appreciated! I have Included Pictures Below. The First two are of the saloom table, third picture is the Ethan Allen Tabel from their website.


Saloom 1

Saloom 2

Ethan Allen

Comments (3)

  • 18 years ago

    I am not familiar with the first Saloom option but have some details on the Ethan Allen table.
    The New Country table is made in America with hardwoods. The finish is a family friendly, baked on UV process that helps resist scratching, spills, etc.
    Since it has a distressed finish, if something very heavy falls on to the top, blemishes can easily be blended.
    The EA table is a perfect selection for everyday use and comes with a 7 year warranty.
    Remember too, your EA Designer will come to your home free of charge to help you make a discision and give you more design options/opinions.
    Good Luck,

  • 18 years ago

    Please read the following recall before you buy EA.

    Ethan Allen "American Impressions" and "New Country" rectangular dining tables
    Could collapse and cause injury.

    Products: 7,071 wood tables sold from 8/03 to 1/05 at Ethan Allen furniture stores nationwide for $1,069 to $1,199. "American Impressions" table bears model number 24-6414; "New Country" table, model number 33-6404. Model number is stenciled on underside of table. Hazard exists because table may be missing some of the eight small wooden blocks that are supposed to be located on its underside to add stability. Ethan Allen has received 33 reports of incidents in which tables may have collapsed as a result of missing blocks. No injuries have been reported.

    What to do: Inspect underside of table for stability blocks. If there are fewer than eight, call Ethan Allen at 888-339-9398 to arrange for free in-home repair. For information, go to or e-mail company at Ethan Allen says it is sending recall notices to all known customers who bought the tables.

  • 18 years ago

    The Saloom table also comes in the larger size. Nearly identical distressed finish combination is available also. Beware of anything labelled "hardwood" or "hardwoods". For the top of a table, if they don't want to tell you what its really made of, run away. Saloom is solid maple, pure and simple.

    Also, their website says "American hardwoods" not "Made in America". I think most of their products are now imported from Asia.

    Beware of long factory warranties also, after its a year old "normal wear and tear" and "not used properly" (abuse) are common excuses to not back the product. Chairs can be easily and cheaply fixed anyways, and I've not had one Saloom chair loosen up in almost 10 years.

    Ethan Allen is nice furniture, but Saloom holds its own (or exceeds) against the best of them.

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