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Updated kitchen photos with fun stuff (picture heavy)

13 years ago

We went back today to see all the fun stuff. It's not completely done because there are a few electrical issues that need to be addressed before the front panel of the outer island goes on, and the marble top baking center will be added in a few weeks with the rest of the countertop, but other than that, my kitchen cabs are installed!

A little background I forgot to add with my previous post. I love to cook so the kitchen was a priority to me. I also live with a brain injury, so we put a lot of thought into using as much universal design as we can afford. The floors will be cork for greater sound proofing, which means my son will finally be able to have playdates. (Hardwood floors are terrible for my headaches. So happy to be rid of them!). We have extra wide halls, rockers instead of light switches, levers and pulls instead of knobs, raised dishwasher, lots of drawers, etc. We tend toward function over form, but really wanted an accessible kitchen that was more transitional/modern than nursing home!

View from my command center, which will be installed in a few weeks:

The frig cabinet is open on top because I'm 5'4" and never use those cabinets. Instead, I have two baskets, one with our first aid kit and one with our cleaning supplies.

DH holding up the outer island panel:

Clean simple corbels:

Both sinks have tip out trays:

The top two drawers have built in dividers for utensils:

The legs show approximately where the lowered marble baking table will be. It's open underneath to accommodate a wheelchair, or my 3-year-old sous chef!

HUGE baking center drawers to the right of the baking center and under the future home of my new kitchen aid. These are way bigger than I thought they'd be, so I might use one of these for our games.

I'm in awe of the craftsmanship:

Our pulls:

Lazy susan:

Oil/wine cubbies to the left of the cooktop:

Bread drawer next to the frig. I love to make bread and DH loves to eat it. (He'll eat 1/2 a loaf at a time!). I had one of these when I was growing up and love it.

We had glass cabinets in the home we just sold and they rattled. I was happy to see that these are silent:

All the cabinets and drawers have soft close with Blumotion:

I was really impressed that there's no ridge between the frame and the shelf. Just perfectly smooth:

Unexpected big drawer under the microwave drawer. Right now, we make family dinners a priority, but this could be a warming drawer in the future:

Nice big drawer under the double oven, and slots above for cookie sheets and cutting boards.

This picture shows the true espresso color best:


One of the things I really like about our cabinet maker was the way he looked for ways to maximize space. I love this adjustable shelf. He put the shelves in equally spaced, but I'll put my paper towels and wipes there.

So excited about our recycling center. It's touch controlled with a Blum servodrive. Our cabinet maker upgraded from the foot pedal (for free!) because he wanted to see how it works. The two bins are trash and plastic/metal recycling. The top tray will have 2 baskets. One for paper recycling and one for odd recycling (batteries, light bulbs, etc)

Recycling center closed:

Comments (21)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, incredible. You must be so excited. I'm excited for you! (Except for having to deal with all that dust on the expresso cabs... (groan)!). Beautiful planning for universal design and ADA. Love your touch control recycle bins... next time you have to get your cabinet maker to "try out" voice activated though, LOL! Also beautful mitre-ing on the crown molding.

    Quick question about your corner susan pull placement... why is it in the corner? Is this an easier way to get it out? I've never seen that, and also have a corner cab, so I'm wondering if I missed something there. ???

    Your kitchen and home are going to be lovely... can't wait to see the beautiful counters.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful cabinets, so well- thought out. You must be so happy.

    Like you I have a brain injury that's helped me plan our gut remodel. Wish I'd thought about raising the dishwasher. I did lobby hard to get the laundry upstairs across from the master. Snuck it in at the end of the hall.

    Back in the kitchen I splurged on touch technology on my faucet. I was considering knobs but you remind me pulls are probably better.

    One nice thing is I've planned in plenty of places for naps! If I'm forced to do it might as well be comfy! ;)

    Warmly Dina

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Coco, good question about the lazy susan. I didn't have one in my last house (we just moved out yesterday!) so it's been a while since I've looked at them. I didn't give the cabinet maker any direction. The part with the pull comes out first, then the other part, which is flat and longer, comes out second. I don't think I'll use it for much, so the two step open doesn't bother me.

    Dina, yes, sleep is very important to my ability to function, too! We did the touch faucets in both kitchen sinks, as well as the in-law bath on the first floor. Our master is upstairs by our toddler, but we wanted to have a full accessible first floor...just in case. We also put a laundry room upstairs, and a smaller laundry closet downstairs in the mudroom, which is between the in-law suite and kitchen so guests can do laundry and I don't have to take kitchen linens upstairs.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    IFCgreen, congratulations on getting your house sold and on your fabulous new space. I envy how much space you have. While I have natural cherry cabinets, I have always liked dark wood cabinets too. They just would not have looked right in my house. You have very nice features in your kitchen. I have only had my kitchen done for 2 weeks and I'm already spoiled with things like the the soft close drawers and doors and the Blum servodrive on my trash pullout.
    Can't wait to see the finished product. Best wished for you and your family in your new house.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love all the little details. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful craftsmanship and your integration of personal design needs is exceptional.

    I had a head injury during a severe cycling wreck a number of years ago. I don't remember it happening or the hours after but I do remember the recovery period. I was so lucky that I made a complete recovery but it was well over a year before I felt like myself again.

    You have done a great job seeing to your needs with this remodel. I look forward to seeing pics of your "Kitchen at Work" and bread making...as one bread baker to another :) c

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You may bend towards function over form, but you wouldn't know it by just glancing at your kitchen. It's spectacular! Now that we had a "behind the scenes" look at all the function of your kitchen (so well thought out by the way) I can agree...you are a function gal.

    Great job, enjoy it once its done...and cleaned up :)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Such a beautiful kitchen with such amazing details. Can't wait to see the counters go in!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    [longing sigh]

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love it! You have form AND function. I especially love putting the paper recycling above the trash/recycling bins. Why didn't I think of that? Can't wait to see it finished!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Who is the manufacturer?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, everyone!

    Trailrunner, I'm so happy you made a full recovery from your TBI. My neuro reminds me on occasion that those who look worse in the beginning end up having the better recoveries because they get immediate treatment. It took about a week after my fall to get referred to the brain injury program, all out patient. I was doing pretty well until I hit my head a few months later. After that, I could never improve well enough to return to work.

    Nova, the cabinets are custom made by a local Amish man.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ICF I am so sorry to hear that. As a matter of fact I was not given good treatment at our local ER...sigh. I was sent home and they actually told my DH that I didn't have a concussion ! I had been out cold !

    I was sent home with a face that looked like a partially peeled eggplant. My lower lip was ripped inside and they ignored it even though I kept crying and saying my mouth hurt.

    Needless to say I was admitted 2 days later with a severe infection and temps 104. 3 day hospital stay and my wonderful surgeon was furious with the ER. Unfortunately my mouth couldn't be repaired as too much time had gone by. I was just lucky that my brain injury healed itself as no one took me seriously on that score. Our medical communities bear a lot of responsibility for the poor recovery of some patients. I am sorry that you didn't get a great outcome but I am so glad for you that you have a fantastically supportive family. c

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love your design considerations and use of space. We're also making a lot of universal design decisions in a smaller space. It's really interesting to see how you handled similar issues.

    Like you our kitchen trash will have servo drive (but your horizontal two-can pullout is better functionally than our deeper 2-can!). We do have hardwood (preserving and extending the existing flooring) but are concerned about sound (more for the family member who sleeps light -- his room is getting sound proofing). We didn't have space to raise the dishwasher but are putting in drawers so at least the top one is more accessible (I think the raised is better!).

    All in all, very cool to see your solutions. Beautiful!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love all the functionality/storage space and the beautiful espresso color!

    Healthy healing vibest to you.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Your kitchen is beautiful and I just love the dark cabinetry. We are going with a similar shade on cherry cabinets. What are you using for a countertop? Product? color? Can't wait to see the finished pictures.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, Dallen.

    We're doing Hanstone Specchio White quartz:

    Here's a picture with the quartz, our cork floor (Marcas Areia Cork from US Floors), backsplahs (Solistone Mardi Gras in Carrollton) and paint (SW Oyster Bay).

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow! That is going to look fantastic!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey, where did the pictures go?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oops! Just got a message from photobucket that I used up my pictures for the month. Go figure. They should be back tomorrow, but I'll link to our blog, too. Those shouldn't go away!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Kitchen Cabinets installed