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Choice Cabinets (RTA Cabinets based in Cleveland)

7 months ago

Hello All,

Reaching out to this community to see if anyone has selected Choice Cabinets for their kitchens and baths. I have been going back and forth on these and their frames seem sturdier than other similar brands. Overall I like the look, but am concerned about long term durability. I am looking to hear back from those that may have made the investment in these cabinets and what do you think?

For background, we are building a new home that will be our last home. We have no children and are not rough on our furniture. We don’t mind paying for quality BUT hate paying for a name when there may be an alternative that is just as good. Are we being duped that Choice Cabinets will be sturdy and durable for a number of years or are they as good as advertised.

Thank you in advance!

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