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Not sure I trust my hardwood floor contractor

6 months ago

We had carpeted areas on the main floor surrounded by wood floors. We replaced the carpeted areas with red oak, had everything sanded and refinished. Now there is cupping on the newly installed floors only, not on the wood floors that were already there (the dowel floors in the pictures). I am concerned that my contractor did a poor job installing the boards. They were installed four days after they were delivered and were left in a pile, not spread out so they could all acclimate. Additionally, he wouldn't give me the moisture readings, which to me sounds like he didn't take them. This image is of the inset area (main room in the home) where it's cupping, as well as a second room. I was very concerned their expansion gaps weren't adequate when they installed but he assured me they were. I understand some cupping can be normal, but is this? And isn't it odd that the original wood flooring surrounding it isn't? I showed our contractor our concerns and he gave me the "must be environmental, I've never had an issue" response. We have a dehumidifier running as well and things are normal. Is this flooring acceptable? Would you leave it? I don't want him to refinish it; I would rather his insurance pay a pro to do it. We are in northwest Illinois, flooring was installed in late November.

Comments (7)

  • 6 months ago

    I am in the process of a remodel, and I have heard the "I've got this girl. I've been doing this for 30 years" crap from the GC, tile guys, and electrician ad nausum. I now have screwed up tile and electrical.

    After my BS floor install, where they even grouted at the same time as they installed a piece of tile with thinset, my GC told me that this was his best tiler. He said he had never had a complaint about the tiler in his 30 years (everyone seems to use this 30 years number). I responded that you just got your first complaint now. I refused to use this tiler for the rest of my project.

    I have no knowledge whether or not your floor is acceptable. I do know that the so-called pros rush like crazy to get things done (even when you are paying them on time and materials like I am). I also know that just because a pro has been doing something for years, it does not mean they do it well.

    I am on another blog (totally unrelated to home improvement). One of my fellow bloggers and a professional tiler for many years was bragging about the tile job that he just completed for his own home. He posted pictures. It was horrible, and my fellow bloggers on that site are not the type to mince words and let him know. He needed to hear that actually, even though their comments were a bit harsh. Perhaps their comments will help save a future homeowner from a know-it-all tiler.

    Stick to your guns. Document all your interactions. Not giving you the moisure readings and not letting the floor acclimate all sound bad to me. Fingers crossed for you.

    cgbeckdesign thanked HU-910663146
  • 6 months ago

    What are the humidity requirements for hardwood? We have a dehumidifier on each level of our home to keep humidity in check. I still feel unsettled about how quickly the wood was installed and the fact that there are no records of moisture readings, especially since the surrounding hardwood has no issues. Thanks for clarifying about general liability insurance.

  • PRO
    6 months ago

    Humidity in Novemeber would be around 35%. Humidity now, is around 70%. Yoou need to dry out your house. Summer time humidity should be maintained around 50% the best you can.

    Flooring is delivered between 6-9% moisture content. If, you have Advantech subfloor. It will be at 8-9%. Advantech MC does not really move unless there is a flood.

  • 5 months ago

    During our build acting as the gc, we dropped a rough crew leader, drywall crew and roofers. You decide how the money goes.

  • 5 months ago

    Our humidity on all 3 levels is right around 50% right now. Never above high 60s or below mid 30s.

  • PRO
    5 months ago

    Installation in Novemeber will be around 30%. So, you have at least a 20% change.

    If, you have had windows opened during nice weather. Humidity will reach equilibrium, whatever outside is. North Illinois, lake region, summertime, i would imagine humidity can get high there.