• 7 in 10

    Make More Money

    Houzz Pro helps tile & stone contractors generate more revenue

  • 64%

    Estimate Faster

    Tile & stone contractors create estimates twice as fast or faster

  • 50%

    Save on Hiring

    Houzz Pro is like having a team member you don't have to hire

  • 82%

    Communicate Better

    Houzz Pro helps tile & stone contractors communicate better with clients

Based on a Dec. 2021 survey of current U.S. Houzz Pro Customers, out of those who had an opinion

Showcase your business and get hired

Showcase your best work with featured videos, an online photo portfolio, client testimonials and more. A premium profile on Houzz helps you stand out from the competition when homeowners are looking for what you can offer.


Estimate up to 10x faster with our takeoffs tool

Create fast, accurate takeoffs, then convert your takeoffs into estimates in a few clicks —no more printing plans.


Create and send estimates in minutes

Let your clients review and approve online. Use our project templates pre-populated with local data or create your own.


Get powerful insights on business performance

From marketing to project management, we provide the insights you need to understand and improve your business performance


Track time & expenses anywhere, anytime

Houzz Pro makes it easy for you and your team to track any time you spend, or expenses you incur on a project, from the office or from the field.

Invoicing & Payments

Get paid faster

Schedule payment requests, take online payments and never wait for another check to clear.

More than 53% of the dollars spent on bill payments in 2018 were paid electronically.


Stay on top of your prospects and turn more leads into jobs

Easily manage follow-up, schedule meetings, and share files.

Did you know? 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the initial meeting


Manage leads, projects and more on the go

With the Houzz Pro mobile app you have everything you need to move your business forward - from anywhere


Connect your favorite tools

Houzz Pro integrates with QuickBooks Online, Gmail, Zoom and more.


Schedule your free demo

Have questions? Give us a call at (888) 372-2851