Mom's Basement
We had to tear the finished basement out to do repairs for water damage. Ideas for when we re-finish it in 2019 or later.
A brief video of the room after it was gutted.
A wood look tile floor in mom's basement would not be damaged even if water ever gets in. We could put area rugs on it which could be cleaned instead of wall to wall carpeting.
Wireless in-wall or ceiling speakers for surround sound since this is a tv watching area? If she sells it could be used as a man cave especially since it leads to the garage.
No longer using this. The old buffett I'm getting from my Aunt who got it from my Great Aunt. This will go in the dining area. There is a matching dining table I am also getting that I don't have a photo of yet. I don't think this will work - not enough space for dishes too many drawers. Not going to use this.