green with tan
colored couch - yay or nay?
multiple colors that work
I like this combination of primary colors
too limited on color palette
most color in artwork
NONE of the major pieces have color. It's all pillows and lampshades - smart or not?
way too much pattern/color!
this kind of rug?
tv on black wall
pretty blue color
big round table - such a long reach to the middle
this size/shape seems a little more manageable (not super pointy at the ends)
again, seems pretty crowded and far away
kind cool wallpaper
black feature wall
wallpaper next to patterned fireplace - don't like either necessarily - just trying to envision
wallpaper with stone - meh. Kind of like the banquette but probably not a good fit with our project
don't like this wallpaper/stone combo
wallpaper with stone - meh
feel like this is stuck with only navy and orange