Oh, I did deep research on roses. The worst is like all of them..very addictive. I choose fragrant if I can and cut but I also order others Bec I love the colours.
I learn so much from Dr. Malcolm Manners from Southern College. You can call the school and get his email or go there. Whatever, he has is highly recommended. His garden is so, so beautiful and huge. A lot of selection s there.
I got disease resistance roses but that does not mean it won't get BS. Humid and tons of rain. You have a HUGE selection actually.
SoFl has a blog and also Sherry from Ocala. I don't know how to paste there blogs. Also check Dave's garden when zones are not listed like zones 6 and higher...
I do know a few things, you have to replenish your soil yearly due to rain and sand. Join local rose society, they help a lot. Fortuniana rootstock is highly recommended here in FL but antique roses are very Hardy so they come in own roots. Check the universities here in FL. They work hand in hand with Department of Agriculture. They have deep, deep research on diseases and bugs. Check their website . I am writing this at work and trying to type out within 3 mins as I need to clock in soon.
Jasmin has tons of selection but she don't have a blog. I hope Jasmin and SoFl sees this thread. :)
Higher pergola