Basic info on granite pavers
Basic info on bluestone
Limestone 101 and pros and cons
Concrete pavers 101
Concrete 101 with pros and cons
Good info on patio sizing considerations
Good basic info on patios, different materials, expectations, etc.
Pros and cons and tips for brick patios
Like the texture and color of the stone. Belgard Mega Lafitt. The color is Victorian.
Interesting mix of bluestone pavers and brick - Tip from this shot was that large patios can feel vast when composed on just one material - mixing materials creates a more comfortable scale.
Asphalt drive lined by and leading into pavers.
Interesting material for the stair treads here.
Bluestone patio - note the color variation. Could work to blend with both house and deck.
Steppers right in the grass.
Concrete lined asphalt driveway
Looks like a concrete lined asphalt driveway
Paver patio - looks like bluestone with filler.
Mulched flagstone walkway.
Mulched flagstone walkway.
Interesting material for pergola foundation - no description.
Another retaining wall idea (shorter).
Another shot of flagstone walkway between two beds
Flagstone walkway through a garden.
Butterfly bench sculpture
Love the tree stump chair!!
Flagstone pavers with some crushed material in-between?
Pavers lining driveway carry on to walkway - we could carry them on to the patios.
Paver-lined asphalt driveway.
Paver-lined asphalt driveway.
Paver-lined asphalt driveway.
Mixed materials that work well together.
Flagstone pavers without plantings between - looks like mulch underneath?
Patterned bluestone patio.
Could we do a retaining wall like this on the west side of the house? Do we need something this high?
Bluestone walkway with multi-level entrance stoop - love it.
Flagstone paver walkway and green house like ours
Another shot of the flagstone with thyme
This is stunning.
Flagstone pavers with thyme planted between
Sidewalk wraps around side of house to (presumably) garage. Ours would be on the other side, off to the right as you face the house, but the same concept. I like that it sticks fairly close to the house and so blends in nicely with a small shrub border between the house and the walkway.