Corner closet cabinetry design
Jewelry storage back of cabinet doors - efficient.
Include bag storage
Include robe storage (not like here, neater)
Pull-out pant rack
Two smaller storage islands; shelving on either side of window.
Designer / builder of the lazy shoesan is retired
More detail on “lazy shoesan” construction
Info on rotating corner shoe rack.
Info on a corner rotating shoe rack
Cabinetry color; knobs.
Vanity and mirror under long, high window.
Interesting shoe storage. Varying length hanging niches.
Insert to organize unmentionables.
Build around a window.
Pass-through from bedroom to dressing room on window side; closets on other side of pass-through.
Storage either side of window with vanity table underneath.
Storage around high, long window.
If pass-through from bedroom to dressing room is on both sides, closet in the middle the window on right and more closet on left.
If pass-through between bedroom and dressing room is on the left, closets on the right to/around the corner, then window.
Island houses shoes vs drawers.
Incorporate full-length mirrors inside closet doors.
Corner storage on the side of a window
Built around doorway; could work around a window as well.
Window treatments, door pulls.
Passage to dressing room off master.
Vanity table and dresser storage under high, long window; interesting lower storage on opposite wall; could go under another high, long window. Flip closet and lower storage and this could be a potential layout for our room, with some tweaks.
Windows on two walls; closet storage on the other. This layout blocks part of one window, which I find awkward.
Doorway to dressing room frames a beautiful cabinetry centerpiece.
Building around a long window
Floor lighting nice if you are changing at night and don’t want to put full lights on for fear of waking up your spouse.
Floor to ceiling closet and cabinetry middle of room?
(1) Set back table and shallow shelves for window then deeper cabinetry away from it - not sure I like it though. (2) Incorporate full length mirror on closet door.
Cabinets in middle of room that form a partition between the two rooms
In some ways maybe similar to our layout?
Is there room for a table and mirror below the window at the end of the room in our room?
Working with a high, long, short window like ours
This is just beautiful. Glass doors and light above them, creamy white cabinetry with dark wood floors, glass knobs, chandelier, very clean and not cluttered.
Can’t put my finger on it but there is an idea here, I think.
Passage from main bedroom to dressing room with wall not going all the way to ceiling. Would allow light flow from dressing room into bedroom and connect the two rooms.
Interesting build around the window.
Top of island - still a folding surface but also storage under lid.
Lazy shoesan ?