The Buff Beauty below spanned at least three fence sections, which would be approximately 24' total, so maybe 12' on either side of the center. Another was climbing a dwarf crape myrtle, up to about 10' and beyond, and started throwing out some very long canes -- removed because it was clearly going to totally overwhelm the tree and there was no room for it to be a shrub. Both own-root. This is zone 9b, so there's one difference. It was one of the few hybrid musks that actually bloom well here (summrs too hot for most of them - Cornelia and Felicia also do okay), but, still, there were just two significant flushes, spring and fall, and a scattering of blooms at other times.
In April, on a cloudy day:
Three years later, also in April, on a sunnier day:
mustard with blue-grey