exterior and outdoors
What a cool birdfeeder/bath I need this!
Such a cute gate.
I love the lighting for evening events.
The gate at Harlech House, Dublin, made by a blacksmith from England the dragon was chosen as the design because the home's owner was of Welch extraction and the emblem of Wales is a dragon. The gates are made of stainless steel and are hand forged.
Another view of the gate at Harlech House.
A variation on the dragon gate theme.
Another blacksmith's interpretation of a dragon gate.
Yet another dragon gate.
Sort of reminds me of the pool that was at the place I used to live. Wish I still had that.
I love this kitchen garden. Wish I had space for one like this.
I like those green tiles...
I love the breezeway - great way to extend the porch and enjoy the outdoors. Also makes it easy to get to the detached garage without getting soaked on rainy days.
Love that this garage has a user friendly and cute upstairs! It'd be great for a home office or for children's music practice room...
Love the brick design.
Instead of a bottle tree, how about a bottle fence? Love the light coming through it.
A nice big porch