Visbeen Associates, "Musgrove" Craftsman Style
Visbeen Associates, "Musgrove" 1st floor 2671 sq ft
Visbeen Associates, "Musgrove" 2nd Floor, 1458 sq ft Good sized bedrooms Jack & Jill Bath Teen Suite
Visbeen Associates, "Musgrove" Basement, 1787 sq ft Finished Daylight/Walkout Basement
Stephen Fuller, Wakefield
Stephen Fuller, Wakefield, 1st Floor Plan Main level master + study covered porch w fireplace portico
Stephen Fuller, Wakefield, 2nd Floor Plan Jack & Jill Princess suite Kids Den
Jasmina Dutch Colonial Century Mill Estates Campbell/Smith (3200 sq ft)
Jasmina 1st floor plan
Jasmina 2nd floor plan
Nice massing looks like old house that's been expanded over the years.
Small 1-story wing in foreground is master suite.
Connor Homes, Rowan Halstead, Exterior front
Connor Homes, Rowan Halstead, 1st floor plan
Fullerton Associates Home in Stratham NH, Craftsman
Tradition Homes, 1810 Kenmore Gabled Ell Craftsman
1810 Kenmore, 1st Floor plan
1810 Kenmore, 2nd Floor Plan
1810 Kenmore, basement
Tradition Homes, 2121 Grayson Craftsman Bungalow
Tradition Homes Gabled Ell Craftsman (1810 Kenmore with 3rd floor built out)
Mascord - Kaiser
Mascord, Kaiser, As Built, IRL
Mascord, Kaiser, 1st Floor Plan
Mascord, Kaiser, 2nd Floor Plan
Custom Home plan from ThatHomeSite/GW
Visbeen Associates, "Musgrove" Craftsman Style