Guest Picks: 20 Modern Tea Towels to Spice Up Your Kitchen
— Capree from My Adventure is Your Advantage
I've got a bit of thing for triangles — especially ones that have been hand-printed on organic fabric.
Pixelated chevron? Don't mind if I do!
This tea towel is a work of art. I'd be half tempted to frame that bad boy.
It's a tree towel. Get it?
I've never met a gradient I didn't like — except for everything ever created in Photoshop during the 1990s.
Well, this is fun. You could even subject your guests to Rorschach tests, I suppose. They'll love that.
This pretty pot pattern will make your kitchen pop!
This one reminds me of beautifully aged and weathered river rocks, and I kind of like that.
'Nuff said.
Just looking at these colorful prints makes me happy!
Whoa. And by whoa, I mean awesome.
Who doesn't love polka dots? This lovely tea towel comes in a variety of peppy colors.
Hot dang!
I love this take on the traditional lattice pattern. Absolutely stellar, I say!
Remember what I said about triangles? Yeah, still love 'em.
These hand-printed patterns make my heart go pitter-patter!
Allo, allo to you, too, Mr. Cutie Pants.
I suggest pairing this with a side of Swiss cheese.
More "so great it should be framed" tea towel goodness! Also, if you see a giant deer roaming through your city — run. That's my parting advice.Next: Dream Kitchen Must-Haves
Fact: I love everything about this tea towel.