natives to find seed for.
what to grow under the maple tree.
Natural meadows in lawn, near bottom of story.
See comment by drheidi64 for wind resistant shade.
Several elements I wish I had the money to do.
see comments about layering for a windbreak
look at the planters. The shallow raised ones for the back of the front shrub beds or in front of the porch. If using a deep one, note the comment about using empty milk jugs to decrease soil needed, or huegelkultur. Don't forget to line w/gravel and landscape fabric if not drilling holes - self watering. Make one elevated for a waterplay area, a few goldfish, frogs or summer turtle pond.
perennial island in middle of lawn breaks up the monotony of mown grass.
A mix of low shrubs and perennials bordering and informal walkway.
another gravel patio
this shows chairs with narrow legs on gravel. Wouldn't they sink in?
Small area for table, chairs, BBQ, bordered with gravel, plus gravel walkways.
Good use of slope. the same idea might work in our back yard.
Could try this around the tree stumps in the front yard.
Notice the metal moose behind the left vege bed.
We could use a walkway like this for the lower section near and under the weeping willow so we can stay out of the seasonal bog.
This is a great idea and it replace lawn. A small water feature, enough dirt for the necessaries and plants set in pots so the cats don't completely dig them up. The dog and cats could share the space.
attractive, eliminates grass next to house.
cool, interesting without a lot of flowers
raised beds
artificial rattan chair withstands heat and frost
Notice the meandering walkway. Be nice to have in our front yard.
Hmm - possibly
might consider spicebush along back property line, next to the woods.
interesting for along front walk
Mom Sperry had some Bleeding Heart, hope I can grow it in front border.
border of black-eyed Susan
Notice how the background plants are layered in height with most of the bright colors low and in front.
Long narrow box as a retaining wall or the edge of a patio or deck. I like the way this one is curved. It's a lot less humdrum.
Per the ideabook: bamboo is able to withstand high wind and sun.
Ideas for our well head and turn-around parking area in front.
Another option for back yard
Beats mowing.
I need a channel from driveway by the sunporch door
rock dry/wet stream in front yard
Nice fence, effective against chickens, if their wings are clipped. I like the grouping of small planter boxes instead of our large ones.
Easy to refill pet watering as well as for humans to fill a pail or bottle.
The freestanding vine support looks intriguing. Are the posts set in concrete?
perennial beds curve into lawn area. Curves are easier to mow.
small grass area with perrenial border
backyard - consider alternate terrace boundaries