Daylily breeding experiment
Photo #6 All of the seedlings except for the one in photo #4 did exhibit the dark color banding on the petals as seen in the pollen parent, but the flower in photo 6 produced this banding as a darker yellow color that does not show well in the photo. I take It that this trait of the pollen parent is probably a dominant trait.
Photo #3 The plant has extremely long flower spikes that readily branch and produces numerous solid yellow blooms. These blooms readily cross and produce seed pods. Not knowing where the pollen was coming from, I never planted any of the seed. For my experiment I was careful to remove any pollen not used in the cross, and to cover both pollinated flowers with cloth bags. As mentioned, the cross on the larger bloom did not take, but the cross on this bloom did, and produced six viable seed.
Photo #9 This bloom also seems to carry a bit of the bronze coring of photo 7.