Before and After Hall Bathroom
Main bathroom in 1976 Modular home. 5'x8'. This is the only tub on the main level and is original harvest gold acrylic tub/shower combo. The tub fill spout and faucets have been replaced and stick out from the tub wall by about 1" allowing water to get between tub and wall framing.
Before. Bought new shower head because the original was at forehead level. It was a back straining exercise to wash my hair. The only storage is under the sink which has water lines coming up through the floor in the middle of the cabinet and the drain going through the back wall. All makeup and supplies are in 2 small plastic tubs, the largest is 7x9"
The bathroom has not grown, it is still 5x6', so this photo was taken while standing in tub. I really need to repaint, the sand-beige is depressing.