Kristine, & Rosie Friends,
i added the Etsy roses over time. Some come small as I chose the 4” pots from Zephyr, Plantrose,, GcmRanch when less expensive. Growing them indoors gave them a jump start so they were bigger by spring, Otherwise, it is a season before they perform well.
Jessiesroses on Etsy and website have competitive prices, but large caned roses-they were my best roses! They are bigger than Heirloom Roses! They were the best roses I ever ordered.
If you look at you will see more selection than her roses on Etsy. You can track shipping on Shop, too.
in the end, though, I order from whichever seller has the unique rose I desire! Etsy seller’s roses are heavenly! Love their personal service! Worth it!
I love your roses! Beautiful photos! Esp. Super Green & Cherry Blossom! I would love to order Cherry Blossom-very ruffly and unique-whay nursery dud you order it from?
How about this ETSY rose!!!!!! Intense damask rose fragrance!
Yves rose-“Cantina rose,“ ETSY PHOTOS from GcmRanch
From Etsy video photo
Click on video…..
Yves rose-Cantina rose, Etsy
Yves rose Cantina,
Ok…. had to have it-just ordered it from GcmRanch…..
Did I really need another ”Red-wine-fushia,” rose, LOL!, but this is a dream rose! It’s about 5 inch blooms, damask perfumed fragrance, love it’s medium glossy big leaves-I think it may be one of my favorites of all my reds! (Reminds me of my OGR Mme Dubost, but Cantina is red.)