Like not having a railing on porch but ours may be too high up
very open from the back - open living
like how it steps down to a fire pit
like this coloring
nice and modern - has wire railing and bigger metal doors
I like the white furniture and the big windows
we could do wire and wood as the deck railing too???
the horizontal slabs good way of getting privacy on the side of Williams
Like the idea that the french doors can open all the way and potentially fold out
Love the open living idea
Like how railing mirrors architectural style of back porch
Like the grey deck - wonder what type of wood it is or stain???
Similar to Petter Fjeld but fear that people / kids fall down since it is much higer than yard
Nice to have seating along the perimeter - you need less chairs
Like the window section
This is the height we will have but have to figure out how to add appropriate windows
Connection between indoor and outdoor living
Lots of windows into the house
Like not having a railing on porch but ours may be too high up