Before and After Old Hutch to Play setting
Received an old Ethan Allen hutch top which was being discarded by a business where it had been used to display antiques. Want to make it a play structure for a toddlers room. Not necessarily a doll house, could be a forest on one shelf, a toy dinosauer habitat on another shelf, a farm, horse ranch, changeable as our granddaughter grows.
Received an old Ethan Allen hutch top which was being discarded by a business where it had been used to display antiques. Want to make it a play structure for a toddlers room. Not necessarily a doll house, could be a forest on one shelf, a toy dinosauer habitat on another shelf, a farm, horse ranch, changeable as our granddaughter grows.
Glass door detail. Looks like glass has been replaced before and secured with a rubber door insulation strip. I will remove glass and replace with?