Save Old Furniture with Bohemian Chic Decor
Recently I've taken an interest in the bohemian chic style of decorating. The idea behind this type of decor is that you can combine eclectic pieces of furniture and art in a way that provides a cohesive, rich look for the room. Each piece in the room is a unique piece that could stand on its own but instead these pieces are grouped together to make an entire setting that really stands out.
In most cases, bohemian chic rooms are filled primarily with vintage pieces of furniture that have been updated with some modern bits here and there. A common method of doing this is to add a luxuriant modern scarf or spread to the top of a vintage desk or couch.
There are two reasons that I like this look. First, I think that it's great to save as many of your beautiful old things as you can but it's important to update them to fit in with your current lifestyle. And second, the result tends to be a layered look that I think really adds texture and interest to a room.
To do a room entirely in a bohemian chic style may be a little bit much for the average person. However, we can all learn to utilize some of the decor tricks from this style to revitalize our old pieces of furniture and to create a new-old look for our homes.
In most cases, bohemian chic rooms are filled primarily with vintage pieces of furniture that have been updated with some modern bits here and there. A common method of doing this is to add a luxuriant modern scarf or spread to the top of a vintage desk or couch.
There are two reasons that I like this look. First, I think that it's great to save as many of your beautiful old things as you can but it's important to update them to fit in with your current lifestyle. And second, the result tends to be a layered look that I think really adds texture and interest to a room.
To do a room entirely in a bohemian chic style may be a little bit much for the average person. However, we can all learn to utilize some of the decor tricks from this style to revitalize our old pieces of furniture and to create a new-old look for our homes.
I adore this feminine display that's a bit more classic vintage than true boho chic. From the curvature of the desk chair to the vintage photo display to the unique pair of lamps on the desk, this look combines several different older pieces that would each be stellar pieces on their own. The light blue theme brings it all together so it looks fresh and modern. To make this truly boho chic, however, we'd need to add more texture to the space with additional fabrics and layers but this would be a good start.
Here is a more textured room which has a bit of the opposite problem from the first photo - it has a lot of the vintage and not enough of the modern to make it true bohemian chic. Nevertheless it is also a good start in creating this type of space. The old bed, the knick knacks and the various tables and stools could easily be updated with some vintage fabric to bring the room together and to modernize it while keeping the old pieces in place. I know that the antique walls here are part of the room's look but I'd love to see some bold wallpaper or fabric added to bring color to the room.
Here's an example of how wallpaper can texturize a space and provide an updated look while retaining some vintage charm. A bathroom is a great place to try this out. You can have romantic antique pieces (the vanity, the dress form, the tub) that are pulled together by this great paper. The curtains add additional texture to the space.
Here is another bathroom that does the bohemian chic look even better. There are some many neat little objects and pieces of furniture here and they're placed on different levels which provides that great layering look. The only thing I'd like to see more of here is fabric; the curtains are great but there could be more added to the rest of the room.
Here's a look at an eclectic living room that has some hints of the bohemian chic style. There are many different types of furniture and art pieces in this room. The patterns don't necessarily go together but they've been tied together because the layout of the room is simple even though each individual piece is complex. The mostly-neutral color scheme allows the different patterns to compliment one another. What is also great is that each thing in the room truly seems to have its place.
Here is a great eclectic bedroom that would only need a few minor changes to have true bohemian chic flair. It's already got the right idea with the vintage dresser and the many different fabrics in the room. I would add wallpaper or fabric to the walls here to complete the look and I'd also get rid of some of the out-of-place pieces like that hockey picture.
I adore this bedroom. It takes a big set of old books and some antiquated art and turns it into a terrifically romantic style of decor. The richly textured and designed pillows and the superb wallpaper choice complete the look of this room. If I were to change anything, I'd get a better vintage lamp for the space but otherwise I think it's terrific.
This room is interesting because it doesn't have the plush textures of fabric that a true bohemian chic room would have but it gives off some of the same feelings as those rooms. I think the choice of wall paint, the inclusion of different vintage furniture and the richly textured pillows all combine to create this look. It's a simple approach to the style and it's one that I can see being more realistic for many homes than some of the other designs here.
There is nothing out of place in this bedroom. The antique pieces of furniture all compliment each other well. The fabric hanging over the bed and the decor on the wall bring layers into the room. The color scheme is an unusual choice for a bohemian chic vibe but it truly brings in the "chic" part of the style. I think this really works.
One of the things that we need to remember about bohemian chic decor is that it's supposed to be fun. That's easy to remember when decorating a nursery. Eclectic pieces can be brought into the room - vintage toys, an antique crib - and combined with bright colors, wall paintings and curtains to create a fun space for your child.