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Inspiration for a mid-sized scandinavian open concept medium tone wood floor family room remodel in Stockholm with white walls, no fireplace and no tv
Britse & Company AB
Britse & Company AB
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 ReviewView Profile


Scandinavian Family Room, Stockholm

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Questions About This Photo (4)

kimberfeecekimberfeece wrote:October 3, 2015
What Houzz contributors are saying
Sally Smith added this to 9 Tricks to Give Your Living Room CharacterJanuary 23, 2017

5. Create a theme. The quickest way to introduce character is to decide on a theme or style and stick to it. This will...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Denkro Ac added this to WohnzimmerApril 29, 2023

Farbkonzept: weiß,grau, beige,schwarz, eiche gefällt mir, modern und legere