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Mid-sized trendy light wood floor and beige floor eat-in kitchen photo in Edmonton with flat-panel cabinets, granite countertops, white backsplash, stainless steel appliances, an island, a double-bowl sink and white cabinets
Alair Homes Edmonton
Alair Homes Edmonton
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars8 ReviewsView Profile

117 Ave Custom Home

Contemporary Kitchen, Edmonton

This three bedroom, two-and-a-half-bathroom custom home features a contemporary single wall style kitchen, formal dining room, and an expansive master suite. The clients were looking to create a bright and modern space, completed with high-end finishes. The open-concept layout allows the rooms to flow together effortlessly, with the opportunity for lots of creative freedom with the spectacular interior design work. A truly unique and beautiful home was the final result.

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