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Inspiration for a mid-sized industrial l-shaped concrete floor eat-in kitchen remodel in New York with flat-panel cabinets, gray cabinets, wood countertops, brown backsplash, wood backsplash, stainless steel appliances, an island and a double-bowl sink
Jane Kim Architect
Jane Kim Architect
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars14 ReviewsView Profile

13th St. Penthouse - Kitchen / Dining

Industrial Kitchen, New York

Photo by Alan Tansey This East Village penthouse was designed for nocturnal entertaining. Reclaimed wood lines the walls and counters of the kitchen and dark tones accent the different spaces of the apartment. Brick walls were exposed and the stair was stripped to its raw steel finish. The guest bath shower is lined with textured slate while the floor is clad in striped Moroccan tile.

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