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Bedroom - mid-sized contemporary master carpeted and red floor bedroom idea in San Francisco with black walls and no fireplace
Chr DAUER Architects
Chr DAUER Architects
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars2 ReviewsView Profile


Contemporary Bedroom, San Francisco

Along one of the Mission District’s most cosmopolitan blocks, an Italianate home is expanded with two substantial yet stealthy additions. Peeking out above the restored front façade, a new third story bedroom level hints at the comprehensively transformed spaces within. The project integrates modern design, bountiful natural light sources, high efficiency systems, and repurposed building materials with new and original hand-crafted detailing. Photographer: Bruce Damonte

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Questions About This Photo (11)

mhodesmhodes wrote:May 15, 2011
What Houzz contributors are saying
Samantha Schoech added this to A Bedroom for Both of YouMarch 6, 2012

Ethnic patterns are a great way to add color to a room without getting girly. In this room light is balanced by dark,...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Nathan Pfahler added this to 1713 Cardinal Ln misc5 days ago

Fireplace wall color?