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Inspiration for a mid-sized coastal guest vinyl floor and gray floor bedroom remodel in Santa Barbara with brown walls and no fireplace
Rollins Andrew Interiors
Rollins Andrew Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 ReviewsView Profile

1950's Mid-Century Modern Beach House

Beach Style Bedroom, Santa Barbara

1950's mid-century modern beach house built by architect Richard Leitch in Carpinteria, California. Leitch built two one-story adjacent homes on the property which made for the perfect space to share seaside with family. In 2016, Emily restored the homes with a goal of melding past and present. Emily kept the beloved simple mid-century atmosphere while enhancing it with interiors that were beachy and fun yet durable and practical. The project also required complete re-landscaping by adding a variety of beautiful grasses and drought tolerant plants, extensive decking, fire pits, and repaving the driveway with cement and brick.

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