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Wine cellar - mid-sized contemporary medium tone wood floor wine cellar idea in New York with display racks
Joseph and Curtis Custom Wine Cellars
Joseph and Curtis Custom Wine Cellars
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars210 ReviewsView Profile

African Wenge and Metal

Contemporary Wine Cellar, New York

This is the recently finished "SOHO" style basement. There are four people in the home (2 young children) We have always loved the NY Soho vibe and decided to bring it to our basement. The wine cellar,bar,kitchenette, and entertainment center are all made of stainless steel and African Wenge. Joseph and Curtis Custom Wine Cellars built,designed, and installed all of them. The entertainment center has an access door to our mechanical space on the right side...that cabinet had to be built to fit to the 1/16th of an inch, yet be on rollers. The wine cellar has 8 lockers for friends to share their own little space in the wine room. The bar was designed after seeing the Trump Soho hoyel bar...with just a little more detail :)

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