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Kitchen/dining room combo - huge transitional light wood floor and beige floor kitchen/dining room combo idea in San Diego with white walls and no fireplace
Christian Rice Architects, Inc.
Christian Rice Architects, Inc.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 ReviewsView Profile

Alameda Residence

Transitional Dining Room, San Diego

Coronado, CA The Alameda Residence is situated on a relatively large, yet unusually shaped lot for the beachside community of Coronado, California. The orientation of the “L” shaped main home and linear shaped guest house and covered patio create a large, open courtyard central to the plan. The majority of the spaces in the home are designed to engage the courtyard, lending a sense of openness and light to the home. The aesthetics take inspiration from the simple, clean lines of a traditional “A-frame” barn, intermixed with sleek, minimal detailing that gives the home a contemporary flair. The interior and exterior materials and colors reflect the bright, vibrant hues and textures of the seaside locale.

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