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Inspiration for a mid-sized country master gray tile and cement tile mosaic tile floor alcove shower remodel in Los Angeles with recessed-panel cabinets, white cabinets, white walls, an undermount sink, a hinged shower door, white countertops, a one-piece toilet and granite countertops
Courtney Thomas Design
Courtney Thomas Design
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Altadena Modern Farmhouse

Farmhouse Bathroom, Los Angeles

This Altadena home is the perfect example of modern farmhouse flair. The powder room flaunts an elegant mirror over a strapping vanity; the butcher block in the kitchen lends warmth and texture; the living room is replete with stunning details like the candle style chandelier, the plaid area rug, and the coral accents; and the master bathroom’s floor is a gorgeous floor tile. Project designed by Courtney Thomas Design in La Cañada. Serving Pasadena, Glendale, Monrovia, San Marino, Sierra Madre, South Pasadena, and Altadena. For more about Courtney Thomas Design, click here: To learn more about this project, click here:

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