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Elegant u-shaped kitchen photo in DC Metro with an undermount sink, recessed-panel cabinets, white cabinets and stainless steel appliances
Donald Lococo Architects
Donald Lococo Architects
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars40 ReviewsView Profile

American Revival Country Kitchen

Traditional Kitchen, DC Metro

A simple front facade consisting solely of ten-foot shuttered French doors radiates elegance in this new traditional foursquare home in Washington, D.C. Featured in Country Living magazine, the airy plan offers spaciousness in a limited-fronted site of the American foursquare house. The goal for the design was creating a contemporary foursquare style house. The family room and kitchen of this American foursquare interior are separated by a glassy built-in rather than walls, encouraging visual connection between the spaces in the four square house. Though nestled in the city, this American foursquare home feels like a classic country home.

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