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This is an example of a small contemporary drought-tolerant and full sun backyard stone garden path in Orange County.
Studio H Landscape Architecture
Studio H Landscape Architecture
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars45 ReviewsView Profile

Artificial Grass + Ipe Wood Deck

Contemporary Landscape, Orange County

Photography by Studio H Landscape Architecture. Post processing by Isabella Li.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Lauren Dunec Hoang added this to 10 Ways to Use Artificial Turf Where It Actually Looks GoodAugust 3, 2016

4. Set Between PaversGround covers growing between pavers soften the hardscape and act as a transition from paved areas...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Susana added this to LandscapeAugust 18, 2024

Wood and grass elements