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Cottage chic screened-in porch idea in Atlanta with a roof extension
Atlantic Archives, Inc.
Atlantic Archives, Inc.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 ReviewsView Profile

Atlantic Archives Images

Shabby-chic Style Porch, Atlanta

Atlantic Archives/Richard Leo Johnson

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Questions About This Photo (4)

Mary Madison raileyMary Madison railey wrote:November 6, 2013
What Houzz contributors are saying
Laura Gaskill added this to 20 Ideas for Easygoing Summer PartiesMay 14, 2014

7. Use soda bottles as vases. A row of tall, slender soda bottles lined up in the middle of a table makes a pretty (and...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Laura added this to Posey Pond DecksMarch 3, 2023

Painted blueish?