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Kitchen - contemporary kitchen idea in London with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, brown cabinets and white backsplash
Buster + Punch
Buster + Punch
Average rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars11 ReviewsView Profile

B+B DESIGN LAB 'The Townhouse'

Contemporary Kitchen, London

A picture tells a thousand words. Many people ask us what our products look like in residential spaces, so here is a sneak peak into our latest residential project in a classic Victorian townhouse. The Buster + Punch Design Lab, designed, fabricated and finished this amazing space in East London. Silk quilting, Hooked lighting, private whisky bar, brass kitchen, bespoke woodwork, distressed chevron, 20ft master suite and all focused around a 100yr old Olive Tree in a double void space.

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