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Inspiration for a mid-sized 1950s enclosed carpeted living room remodel in Los Angeles with a music area, beige walls, no fireplace and no tv
Susan Jay Design
Susan Jay Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars25 ReviewsView Profile

Brentwood - Sullivan Canyon

Midcentury Living Room, Los Angeles

Tom Bonner Photography

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Questions About This Photo (15)

Inman Tudor InteriorsInman Tudor Interiors wrote:April 5, 2013
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Mitchell Parker added this to Photos of 2013: The Most Popular Midcentury Modern SpacesDecember 13, 2013

5. This former garage became an office and a TV room for a 1970s-built home in Brentwood, California. Graphic...

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Lauren Maddox added this to Maddox Forest Ave4 days ago

Clear indoor swing for living room