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Inspiration for a mid-sized cottage u-shaped medium tone wood floor and brown floor eat-in kitchen remodel in Atlanta with an undermount sink, white cabinets, stone slab backsplash, recessed-panel cabinets, marble countertops, white backsplash, paneled appliances, white countertops and no island
Davenport Designs
Davenport Designs
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 ReviewsView Profile


Farmhouse Kitchen, Atlanta

Emily Followill

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Erin Carlyle added this to How to Get Your Range Hood RightAugust 22, 2017

The Flexibility of Hood InsertsHere’s an example of the two-part option working well — only in this case, using just...

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mroberts412 added this to kitchenyesterday

Vent hood