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Design ideas for a contemporary courtyard landscaping in New York.
The Todd Group
The Todd Group
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars9 ReviewsView Profile

Brooklynn Courtyard Patio

Contemporary Landscape, New York

This Brooklynn courtyard has a wonderful patio space with rectalinear stones placed in a scattered pattern. Old brick walls add a contrast for the patio with white flowering crape myrtles providing some light shade.

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Questions About This Photo (3)

What Houzz contributors are saying
Lauren Dunec Hoang added this to Turn Your Outdoor Space Into a SanctuaryAugust 19, 2016

3. Consider the design from above. Think about how the garden will be viewed from inside the home. For sunken patios,...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Helen Hi Chris added this to gardenJuly 25, 2023

Shade courtyard