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Photo of an eclectic landscaping in Charlotte.
Jay Sifford Garden Design
Jay Sifford Garden Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars72 ReviewsView Profile

BSR Project Revisited 8 months later. By Sifford Garden Design

Eclectic Landscape, Charlotte

Garden on Lake Wylie near Charlotte, NC. The front garden was installed Sept 2011 and revisited June 2012. The back garden was installed March 2012 and revisited June 2012.

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LuAnn Brandsen added this to 10 Perennials to Extend Your Garden's Summer ColorAugust 20, 2012

Russian Sage(Perovskia atriplicifolia)Tall, shrubby Russian sage is a versatile, drought-tolerant and...

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janschmiege added this to janschmiege's ideasJuly 9, 2021

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