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Home design - traditional home design idea in DC Metro
April Acquavella
April Acquavella
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars11 ReviewsView Profile

Budget Basement

Traditional, DC Metro

A formerly beige basement gets a dark gray makeover creating a cozier space in an otherwise plain basement. A good example of how dark walls can actually improve a space by "pulling" the walls in. With the shaker cabinets, glass shelves and huge traditional mantle, the style of the basement was pretty much predetermined. I needed to work around an oversized leather chair and within a budget. I didn't want cheap, disposal pieces, so I found a solid, mahogany Mersman coffee table (circa 1940's) for $60 that my husband completely refurbished and a knockoff butterfly stool (I couldn't afford $1000 for the real thing... not yet!).

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