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Inspiration for a modern kitchen remodel in New York
Focal Point Hardware
Focal Point Hardware
Average rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars6 ReviewsView Profile

Buster + Punch Cabinet Hardware

Modern Kitchen, New York

A collection of solid metal kitchen handles, cabinet pulls, drawer knobs and furniture hardware. Crafted from solid metal, using a diamond-edge lathe and featuring their signature cross-knurl pattern or their elegant linear-knurl pattern. Refined by hand. All of Buster + Punch cabinet hardware products are designed to complement and elevate any project details..

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Bryan Anthony added this to Pros Share Kitchen Cabinet Hardware Finishes They Love Right NowMay 3, 2021

Knurled. Cabinet hardware pieces with a textured finish, especially knurled pulls, are getting lots of attention....

What Houzzers are commenting on
linhammerman19 added this to linhammerman19's ideasFebruary 7, 2024
