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Family room - eclectic family room idea in Chicago
Bud Dietrich, AIA
Bud Dietrich, AIA
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars12 ReviewsView Profile

california dreaming - the great room

Eclectic Family Room, Chicago

The great room is the hub of the home and where family and friends come together to relax and enjoy each others company. This home was featured on the CBS News Sunday Morning annual design program in the summer of 2010. This show included an interview with Sarah Susanka describing how this home incorporated ideas from her best selling book, "The Not So Big House." The CBS News Sunday Morning program featuring this home can be seen at Visit to see more photos including some before pictures of this home. Photography by Tony May

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Questions About This Photo (5)

gerryhickey57gerryhickey57 wrote:September 4, 2013
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