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Example of a mid-sized transitional medium tone wood floor kitchen/dining room combo design in San Francisco with multicolored walls and no fireplace
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Cape Cod meets San Francisco Victorian // Dining Room

Transitional Dining Room, San Francisco

The aim was to restore this room to its Victorian era splendor including custom wood panel wainscoting, and original cove ceilings. Focal lighting from Restoration Hardware. Wallpaper is hand printed and installed from Printsburgh. Photo: Christopher Stark

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Mitchell Parker added this to New This Week: 4 Fresh Dining Rooms Mix Old and NewAugust 16, 2018

Other special features. Restored coved ceilings. Antique dining table and chairs bought at an antiques fair in England....

What Houzzers are commenting on
rachelleighwhite added this to Dining RoomDecember 29, 2024

Love wallpaper, how chairs and table feel "light" even though they are wood