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Design ideas for a traditional side yard landscaping in San Francisco.
Verdance Landscape Architecture
Verdance Landscape Architecture
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 ReviewsView Profile

Classical entryway

Traditional Landscape, San Francisco

Columnar evergreens provide a rhythmic structure to the flowing bluestone entry walk that terminates in a fountain courtyard. A soothing palette of green and white plantings keeps the space feeling lush and cool. Photo credit: Verdance Fine Garden Design

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Questions About This Photo (38)

arkyinohioarkyinohio wrote:March 19, 2011
What Houzz contributors are saying
Amanda Pollard added this to Creative Edges for Garden Borders and PathsJuly 20, 2018

1. Lay bricks flush with the surface. Bricks make a neat edge for your flower beds. For a streamlined look, lay them...

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Pauline Gicharu added this to Pauline's Ideasyesterday

Green and white landscape