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Inspiration for a mid-sized eclectic formal and enclosed medium tone wood floor living room remodel in DC Metro with purple walls, no fireplace and no tv
Susan Nelson Interiors
Susan Nelson Interiors
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars16 ReviewsView Profile

Cleveland Park, DC, home

Eclectic Living Room, DC Metro

The living room is right off the purple-palette dining room, so we continued those accents here. Textured hook rug from Galleria at the Washington Design Center. Custom sofa. Beachley arm chairs upholstered in Quadrille fabric. Ebanista coffee table. Embroidered drapery by Manuel Canovas. Lamps, garden stools from the Kellogg Collection. Strie-painted walls by decorative painter Sheppard Bear. Photo by Erik Kvalsvik

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