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Mid-sized urban concrete floor kitchen/dining room combo photo in San Francisco with multicolored walls and no fireplace
Muratore Construction + Design
Muratore Construction + Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 ReviewsView Profile

Clocktower Loft

Industrial Dining Room, San Francisco

Interior Design: Muratore Corp Designer, Cindy Bayon | Construction + Millwork: Muratore Corp | Photography: Scott Hargis

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Questions About This Photo (9)

ashleykgriffinashleykgriffin wrote:August 3, 2014
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Laura Gaskill added this to Your Guide to Industrial StyleAugust 13, 2019

Finishing Touches: Texture and GlowWith so much metal and open space, industrial-style homes can run the risk of...

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Robin Manning added this to Jimbos Bathroom4 days ago

Kool statement with black on countertop