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Mid-sized trendy concrete floor kitchen/dining room combo photo in Sydney with white walls
Harrison's Landscaping
Harrison's Landscaping
Average rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars10 ReviewsView Profile


Contemporary Dining Room, Sydney

Courtyard style garden with exposed concrete and timber cabana. The swimming pool is tiled with a white sandstone, This courtyard garden design shows off a great mixture of materials and plant species. Courtyard gardens are one of our specialties. This Garden was designed by Michael Cooke Garden Design. Effective courtyard garden is about keeping the design of the courtyard simple. Small courtyard gardens such as this coastal garden in Clovelly are about keeping the design simple. The swimming pool is tiled internally with a really dark mosaic tile which contrasts nicely with the sandstone coping around the pool. The cabana is a cool mixture of free form concrete, Spotted Gum vertical slats and a lined ceiling roof. The flooring is also Spotted Gum to tie in with the slats. Photos by Natalie Hunfalvay

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