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Example of a beach style freestanding desk home office design in Boston
ZeroEnergy Design
ZeroEnergy Design
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Concord Green Home

Beach Style Home Office, Boston

2011 EcoHome Design Award Winner Key to the successful design were the homeowner priorities of family health, energy performance, and optimizing the walk-to-town construction site. To maintain health and air quality, the home features a fresh air ventilation system with energy recovery, a whole house HEPA filtration system, radiant & radiator heating distribution, and low/no VOC materials. The home’s energy performance focuses on passive heating/cooling techniques, natural daylighting, an improved building envelope, and efficient mechanical systems, collectively achieving overall energy performance of 50% better than code. To address the site opportunities, the home utilizes a footprint that maximizes southern exposure in the rear while still capturing the park view in the front. ZeroEnergy Design | Green Architecture & Mechanical Design www.ZeroEnergy.com Kauffman Tharp Design | Interior Design www.ktharpdesign.com Photos by Eric Roth

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