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Mid-sized trendy marble floor and beige floor great room photo in Other with red walls and no fireplace
Peg Berens Interior Design LLC
Peg Berens Interior Design LLC
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 ReviewsView Profile

Contemporary Dining Room with Drama

Contemporary Dining Room

Please visit my website directly by copying and pasting this link directly into your browser: http://www.berensinteriors.com/ to learn more about this project and how we may work together! An opulent place for formal dining. Dale Hanson Photography

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Kelly Porter added this to 9 Great Colors for Your Gallery WallSeptember 11, 2011

Here, a vibrant shade of coral is the background for artwork that features subdued colors. Contrasting color tones...

What Houzzers are commenting on
coastalparrothead added this to 24 Cannon RSeptember 29, 2022

Wall color